licence n. 1.许可,特许;许可证,特许证,执照。 2.放纵,放肆;(文艺、美术、音乐等的)奔放,不羁,破格。 a licence to sell spirits 出售酒类许可证。 give full licence to do sth. 授权放手做某事。 Have I your licence to remove the fence 你让我拆除这篱笆吗? a licence to practise medicine 行医执照。 apply for a driving licence 申请驾驶执照。 grant a marriage licence 颁发结婚证书。 special licence (坎特伯雷大主教所发)结婚特别许可证。 The invading troops displayed the most unbridled licence. 入侵军队胡作非为到了极点。 under licence 领有执照。 vt. 批准,许可;发许可证[执照]。 licence sb. to practise as a doctor 批准某人作开业医生。
fishing licences may not be sold, leased or transferred by other illegal means, and they may not be altered 捕捞许可证不得买卖、出租和其他形式非法转让,不得涂改。
Article 32 . anyone who trades in, leases or transfers fishing licences by other illegal means shall have his unlawful income confiscated and his fishing licence revoked, and may be concurrently fined 第三十二条买卖、出租或者以其他形式非法转让捕捞许可证的,没收违法所得,吊销捕捞许可证,可以并处罚款。
Article 32 . anyone who trades in, leases or transfers fishing licences by other illegal means shall have his unlawful income confiscated and his fishing licence revoked, and may be concurrently fined 第三十二条买卖、出租或者以其他形式非法转让捕捞许可证的,没收违法所得,吊销捕捞许可证,可以并处罚款。
In conclusion, we welcome the government s proposal to introduce the fishing licence programme and establish fisheries protection areas for replenishing and restoring our already over-exploited waters 总括来说,环保团体欢迎政府有关引进捕鱼牌照制度及成立捕鱼保护区的建议,以恢复遭过度捕鱼的海域的鱼量。
By introducing a licensing system and controlling the number of fishing licences i . e . limiting the entrants, the flp provides a framework for reducing the fishing effort, in turn slowing down the extraction rate of marine resources 透过引进发牌制度,以及规管牌照数目即限制牌照拥有人数目,鱼牌制度能减少捕鱼船数目,从而减慢海洋资源的开采速度。
The exhibition also features the agriculture, fisheries and conservation department s fisheries management measures, including a proposed fishing licence scheme, the establishment of fisheries protection areas, the deployment of artificial reefs and restocking of fish fry 此外,展览亦介绍渔农自然护理署的渔业管理措施,包括捕鱼牌照制度、设立渔业保护区、敷设人工鱼礁和投放鱼苗。